16 Months Time Difference
First Picture – 118kg
Second Picture – 88kg

1 Year in the Elite Coaching Programme

12 week challenge complete! In 12 weeks he’s achieved so much! 6kg down

Kevin ‘The Chef’ dropping 10kg in 90 days in the Elite Coaching Programme

Start weight – 61kg Today’s weight – 54kg 7kg difference 🙈 Clothes size ⬇️ Scale weight ⬇️ Happiness 🔝

This lady came to me to me saying that she wasn’t happy with the way she looked and felt embarrassed when taking her clothes off, her confidence was low and she was generally unhappy. Since March I’ve been helping her with training and nutrition – and this is what she’s pulled off. Not only has she lost weight, but her body shape has completely changed and she has gained the results that the picture shows – she was rocking around a pool party in Ibiza a few days ago! From zero to hero! Something that she thought she’d never do.

1st Picture – December -2014 2nd Picture – 25th August 2015 3rd Picture – 19th September 2015

Massive Well Done To Katie On Her Fitness Journey, With Loosing A Staggering 25kg

March – 102kg
September – 77kg

Massive Congratulation To My Client Who Looks Incredible On Her Wedding Day 💐🌺 12 Weeks Time With 8kg Weight Lost! Welcome To The ‘Wall Of Fame’ 🙊😘Here’s What She Had To Say About Her Experience Working With Me.

 After my weight kept yo-yoing, I knew I needed to do something drastic for my fast approaching wedding. After meeting with Oli, straight away I was at ease and confident that he could deliver the results I was after. After 12 challenging weeks working with him, I not only lost weight but I felt healthy, alert and full of energy. Not only do his varied workouts keep you on your toes in the gym, but the moral support that he provides outside of the gym was a key part to my achievement. Anything and everything I needed to ask, he was there at the end of the phone helping to keep me focused and motivated. I would strongly recommend Oli to help change your life!

The goal was to improve size while keeping as lean as he could

 8 weeks time difference 

Lyndon came to me at the age of 50 years old. Being a family man and also leading a hectic lifestyle being a pilot, he set himself a personal challenge on his birthday. This was the before and after (3 months time period). Start weight 97kg – End weight 88kg  

Online coaching

Chloe’s 90 Day Elite Coaching Programme